Saturday, April 19, 2008

Tools of the Trade - Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000

I made a pilgrimage to the high tech mecca of KL known as Low Yat Plaza, and came home with a Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000. This webcam probably eats cheap webcams for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Here are some specs, which are pretty intriguing since they are not available on most web cams: Carl Zeiss lens, Autofocus, 2 megapixel sensor, captures video up to 1600 * 1200 (HD Quality) with HD video at 960 * 720 pixels and captures pictures at up to 8 megapixels (with software interpolation).

Nice eh? Price tag: RM 310. What can you expect from this kind of investment? Video reviews of course. In fact, I have one coming right after this post!