Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Thing About Bloggers and Perks

The hot topic for the past couple of days both on and off the air was about bloggers. Sunday's News Straits Times featured an articles about bloggers (I didn't know there's such thing as bloggers ethics, its a free for all these days) and during Mix.fm's morning show yesterday, the radio announcers (they are not called DJs anymore), were talking about celebrity bloggers and the perks they get.

Later in the evening, a friend of mine was complaining on how some bloggers get all the nice stuff (invites to events as media, gifts, etc etc) and how some don't.

Well, it all boils down to hard work. Getting your blog noticed requires a lot of dedication, and determination (and some semblance of writing skill) on your part. And although my hit count is way lower than that of Kenny Sia and Xiaxue, I've received my fair share of perks as well, example:
  • Invites to cover media events, such as EA's Play 08
  • Free stuff, like the t-shirts I got from 80stees.
  • Free movie screenings
  • Fan mail
  • Advertising revenue, which I used to purchase many of the new games you see in my video games library.
And of course there's the sheer satisfaction of seeing the hit count rise, and getting to know similar people who are hard at work on their very own video games related sites. You can find them in my blog roll :)