Saturday, March 31, 2007

Beady Eyed and Too Big To Dangle Outside

Quirky title and even quirkier items through the post. The Super Mario Character keychains arrived today and I'm impressed with the size of these things (the tallest keychain is as tall as a Series 13 Be@rbrick).

Unlike other Mario keychains that are made of cloth/vinyl, these are made entirely out of plastic. The built quality is rather good; while you get 180 degrees of movement for each character's arms, the heads and legs are allowed a little room to "wiggle and wobble". I'm guessing that either the designer spent some time starring at Hula dolls, like the one below, or he was trying to make these keychains earthquake proof.

The paint job is rather good (despite a slight mistake on Luigi's cap) and it's probably the main factor for retaining the characters' look and feel from the video games. My least favourite of the characters, Yoshi, retains his beady-eyed factor and the Jar Jar Binks look (I loath both), which pretty much is a testament to the work put into designing these keychains.

SInce they are rather big, I'm better off leaving them at home, on my workstation or hooking one up to my messenger bag or perhaps a new bag. I doubt Mario would look out of place on a brand new messenger bag from The Gap or Kipling..but on second thought, maybe not. You guys are staying at home.

These keychains are still available at, click here for further details.